We are a voluntary group funded by membership subscriptions. Permission to reproduce copyright items has been obtained where possible. Every reasonable effort has been made by the Bramcote Local History Group to trace copyright holders but, if any item requiring clearance has been unwittingly included, the Bramcote Local History Group will be pleased to rectify it and publish an acknowledgment at the earliest opportunity.
Data Protection Act 1998 and General Data Protection Regulation 2018 Statement
This statement establishes Bramcote Local History Group’s procedure governing collection,use and release of personal data.
The Group will hold and process personal data including names, postal addresses, telephone numbers and web addresses.
The data is obtained directly from members or speakers .
The Group will use the data to manage membership and carry out services relating to our constitution, and will not pass the data to any third party nor under any circumstances sell the data.
The data will be obtained by specific consent.
Individuals have the right to request access to their data and to request its removal at any time