• Bramcote Hall, home of the Smith family 1860s

  • Chapel Street, Bramcote

  • Town Street, Bramcote showing village school and children

  • Town Street

  • The Manor House

  • The "Pearson Bridge"

  • King George's Park from St. Michael's spire

  • Looking across Derby Road to the village

  • The White Lion

Our programme of monthly presentations resumes on Monday September 16th, but we have a special “drop-in” event on Tuesday August 27th between 7.30 and 9pm. See below for details.


Bramcote’s Primary Schools 1900 – 2000

In the spring of 2025 there will be a presentation about these schools and we hope that many of you will come to our drop-in event on August 27th, as outlined below. We look forward to hearing your memories and seeing your mementoes of your primary school days in Bramcote.


The main programme card for 2024 is displayed below.

2024 Research Project

Can you help with any information about the Buckley family of Southfield House, Town Street, Bramcote?

If so, please use the “contact us” facility on this site.


Our Venue

St Michael’s Church Centre, Church Street,
Bramcote, Nottingham NG9 3HD

Speaker meetings are held in April, May, June, July, September, and October, on the third Monday of the month with an 8pm start and all are welcome from 7.30pm. See the programme for details.

In the summer months there are outdoor guided walks and other events open to members.



The membership fee for this group will be collected from April 2024 and remains at £12 per year with free admission to meetings for members.

We are a lively and friendly group holding meetings which are both informative and enjoyable.

Visitors are always welcome at our speaker meetings with a suggested donation of £2.50 (members free). Please do come along or contact us for more information.